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A photograph of the coastline of Florida by Napier and Rollin PLLC, Attorneys At Law.


Our partners Michelle Napier, Esq. and Kevin M. Rollin, Esq. are trained collaborative attorneys and members of both the Brevard and Treasure Coast, Florida Collaborative Law Groups.

What Is Collaborative Law?

Collaborative Law is a non-court process to resolve disputes where the parties are at the center of the solution building process and assisted by a personalized team of professionals. A collaborative “case” begins when two parties sign a contract called a collaborative “participation agreement” which obligates them to work in good faith toward a mutually agreeable solution. Both sides have their own attorney to keep him or her fully informed of their legal rights but instead of going to war, your attorneys are your advocates for solutions that reduce the emotional and financial collateral damage which often occurs in traditional litigation. A neutral mental health professional serves to guide the collaborative team and neutral financial professionals often support the parties to make well-informed decisions. Divorce lends itself well to the collaborative approach. In many ways, a collaborative divorce is a no-nonsense approach to tackling obstacles to a healthy separation. Many other types of family law cases and business cases are also well-addressed using collaborative law.


Is Collaborative Law Right For You?

Collaborative Law Divorce Lawyers Vero Beach
Collaborative Law Vero Beach Divorce Attorney


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